Spice oils have a warm, spicy aroma that is so inviting any time of year but especially during the Autumn Season. These oils are wonderful for cleansing the air, supporting the immune system, warming the skin and supporting overall wellness! Plus, many are key ingredients in the ever popular Thieves essential oil blend, making them household staples for sure!
- Have a warm, inviting, spicy aroma
- Great for cleansing and purifying
- Contain antioxidants that support the immune system and overall health
- Make wonderful additions to diffuser blends
- Great for household and cleaning DIYs and recipes
- Creates a warming sensation when applied topically, making them great for massage
Is there anything more inviting than the warm scent of Cinnamon, Clove and Vanilla? It just feels like a big mug of steaming tea on a cool, crisp day. Spice oils like this are warming to both the body and mind, creating a sense of safety and security. These oils are also high in antioxidants and help provide immune and general wellness support, especially when taken as a dietary supplement.
- Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Ginger, Cardamom, Coriander, Cumin, Nutmeg, Cassia, Black Pepper, Tarragon, Thieves, Christmas Spirit
- Spice oils are key ingredients in the Thieves blend, which is infused into a whole line of home and personal care products: Thieves Household Cleaner, Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub, Thieves Laundry Soap, Thieves Whitening Toothpaste, Thieves Mouthwash, Thieves Hand Sanitizer, and much more.
Spice oils can be steam distilled from the inner bark of the tree, the fruits, the stems, the seeds, or the leaves of the plants. The regular oil and Vitality oil option are the same essential oil. The Vitality oils are simply labeled for ingestion per industry standards.
In Chinese medicine there are fascinating theories around using herbs with certain properties to balance the body. Conditions are categorized by influences such as cold vs. heat. Imbalance of “cold” relates to stiffness, decreased energy and vitality, lethargy, and congested flow of all of the body's fluids.
Cinnamon, Clove and other spices are herbs of warmth that bring an invigorating energy into our organs and immune system. These oils are supportive of the heart, lungs, and digestive system, increasing movement when these systems are weakened.
We can remember spice oil benefits as heartwarming, like the friend who always helps us find our spark in life again, who kindles our dreams and shares their own energy with us, lifting our spirits.
*Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties
- Cinnamaldehyde: some studies have shown that cinnamaldehyde may help fight various kinds of infection and that internal use of cinnamaldehyde may support a healthy stomach through its cleansing and soothing properties.
- Alpha-pinene: a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind
Spice oils are loaded with powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols. Antioxidants are a huge bolster to health since so much of our modern life can create oxidative stress in the body. In a study that compared the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, cinnamon wound up as the clear winner, even outranking “superfoods” like garlic and oregano! Clove is especially high in antioxidants, and is actually the food with the highest amount! Antioxidants also help support the body's response to inflammation, which plays a role in almost all chronic diseases. Cinnamon, Clove and Cassia can also support healthy cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels, making it a wonderful tool for our health!
All of Young Living's essential oils work to support the entire body - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - and spice oils are no different. These can be wonderful tools for when you feel easily annoyed or when you feel the need to act a part or fake something. We have all heard the term "fake it until we make it," and often we suppress or play a role in new situations, during holiday times and/or around family. It's not a coincidence that the fall and winter months have us gravitating towards warm aromas! You can use these oils to help you move out of a fake role and more into the true version of you.
Scents can trigger big emotions and programmed responses with our mood and emotions (like how you smell vanilla and remember baking holiday cookies with your Gran!) The compounds found in essential oils can help re-write reactions you have that are negative/ unpleasant (programmed responses).
In the same that way essential oils can trigger good-feeling memories, they can be used as a tool in conjunction with helpful resources (like Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Dr. Carolyn Mein) to help you release the triggered negative patterns that you have from a long history of thinking and feeling the same way.
Smell is so powerful to bring about good memories, and essential oils can help solidify new (more positive) ways of thinking by helping the limbic system to interact with the more cognitive/analytical parts of the brain and super-charge your brain's own ability to get out of the negative cycle. By smelling essential oils and focusing on the way you want to feel and think, you are creating a new pathway in your brain.
- Spice oils are one of our favorites to diffuse all year long, but especially during the colder months! Try them in one of these combinations or make up one of your own!
- Autumn Breeze: 3 drops Orange, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce, 1 drop Clove, 1 drop Nutmeg
- Coffee Shop: 4 drops Vanilla, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Nutmeg, 2 drops Cardamom
- Pumpkin Spice: 3 drops Clove, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Orange, 2 drops Nutmeg, 1 drop Ginger
- Cozy Home: 4 drops Lavender, 3 drops Cinnamon Bark, 2 drops Clove, 2 drops Vanilla
- Use Nutmeg over the adrenals to support healthy hormone levels
- Dilute any spice oil with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and massage it on your feet for a warming massage that supports healthy circulation and tired muscles.
- Take them as a dietary supplement to help support a healthy immune system or for digestive support (ginger especially!).
- Add a drop of Cinnamon Bark Vitality to your daily NingXia Red for an extra boost!
- Drop Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg, Clove, etc. oil onto pinecones, garlands and other seasonal decor to create a simple passive diffuser.
- Add some spice to your coffee or tea! Add a drop or two of your chosen oil to coffee grounds before brewing or add a drop to honey before stirring into warm tea or water.
- Use them in your baking recipes in place of ground spice - 1 drop is approximately 1 tsp ground spice.
- Make this Daily Wellness Roller:
- 10mL roller bottle
- 10 drops each: Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Oregano, Frankincense, Lemon, and RC or Raven
- Fill with carrier oil of choice
- Roll over the spine and lymph nodes morning and evening
- Add a couple drops of Cinnamon Bark or Clove to your favorite perfume roller for a warm, spicy undertone.
- Joy, Tangerine + Cinnamon Bark/Clove
- Jasmine, Neroli, Stress Away + Cinnamon Bark/Clove
- Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Tangerine + Cinnamon Bark/Clove
- DIY Mold & Mildew Purifying Spray:
- 16 oz glass spray bottle
- 1 1/4 C white vinegar
- 3/4 C water
- 6 drops each: Cinnamon Bark, Patchouli and Tea Tree.
- DIY Scented Hand Soap:
- Recycled Thieves or Lavender foaming hand soap bottle or a new one
- 2 Tbsp Liquid Castile Soap
- 20-30 drops essential oils
- Top with water leaving approximately 1" so you can add the pump top.
- Optional: 1 Tbl Vitamin E oil to help soften the skin.
- Sugar & Spice: 10 drops Ylang Ylang, 5 drops each Cinnamon Bark, Clove
- Autumn Spice: 10 drops Orange, 5 drops each Cinnamon Bark, Clove, 3 drops Nutmeg